RubyGems Navigation menu

tailor 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 tailor

busser-rspec 0.7.6

A Busser runner plugin for RSpec

3,606,499 下載

kitchen-docker 3.0.0

A Docker Driver for Test Kitchen

3,374,476 下載

busser-rspec_datadog 0.8.7

A Busser runner plugin for RSpec

2,864,028 下載

log_switch 1.0.0

Extends a class for singleton style logging that can easily be tu...

329,667 下載

interpol 0.11.0

Interpol is a toolkit for working with API endpoint definition files, giving you a stub...

168,669 下載

kitchen-lxd_cli 2.0.2

A Test Kitchen Driver for LXD

68,588 下載

jamie 0.1.0.beta4

A Chef convergence integration test harness

55,842 下載

mongration 0.0.7

Mongration is a tool for migrating data. It is designed to have the same interface as A...

50,526 下載

specs 0.21

See for example usage

50,392 下載

kitchen-zcloudjp 0.6.0

A Test Kitchen Driver for Zcloudjp

48,480 下載

kitchen-cloudstack 0.24.0

A Test Kitchen Driver for Apache CloudStack

47,976 下載

aspelllint 0.14

See for example usage

44,655 下載

busser-serverspec_eol 0.5.12

A fork for busser-serverspec for supporting EOL Ruby versions < 2.3

40,225 下載

kitchen-rax 0.20.0

A Test Kitchen Driver for Rackspace

36,936 下載

rubycheck 0.0.9

See specs/ tests for example usage.

36,240 下載

jamie-vagrant 0.5.2

Jamie::Driver::Vagrant - A Vagrant Driver for Jamie.

33,699 下載

ronin-wrapper 0.1.3

A wrapper to enable masterless configuration management, using Chef and/or Puppet.

27,979 下載

kitchen-gogetkitchen 0.4.1

A kitchen driver based on Gogetit that has abilities to control MAAS, Libvirt and LXD.

27,088 下載

kitchen-appbundle-updater 0.2.3

A Test Kitchen Driver for Appbundle-updater

25,875 下載

rtp 0.1.5

This is a pure Ruby implementation of RTP, initially geared towards use with RTSP (b...

24,715 下載

busser-nose2 0.1.6

A Busser runner plugin for Nose2

24,075 下載


The gem is a collection of possible formatters for the pivotal_to_pdf gem

22,172 下載

kitchen-docker_ssh 0.1.3

A Test Kitchen Driver for Docker using ssh

20,582 下載

busser-pybot 0.1.10

A Busser runner plugin for Pybot

19,741 下載

kitchen-docker-api 0.4.0

A Test Kitchen Driver for Docker - docker-api based

19,646 下載

busser-shindo 0.3.3

A Busser runner plugin for Shindo

19,636 下載

liquid-development 0.2.1

This is a simple gem to consolidate common development dependencies.

19,556 下載

cowl 0.7

See for example usage

18,598 下載

kitchen-fog 0.7.3

A Test Kitchen Fog Nova driver

18,536 下載

kitchen-scalr 0.2.7

A Test Kitchen Driver for Scalr

18,285 下載

總下載次數 332,680

這個版本 153,216



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
