RubyGems Navigation menu

thrift 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 thrift

jaeger-client 1.3.0

OpenTracing Tracer implementation for Jaeger in Ruby

34,776,124 下载

opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger 0.23.0

Jaeger trace exporter for the OpenTelemetry framework

1,505,023 下载

thrift_client 0.11.0

A Thrift client wrapper that encapsulates some common failover behavior.

1,484,631 下载

finagle-thrift 1.4.2

A Ruby client library for integrating into finagle's thrift tracing protocol

782,584 下载

elasticsearch-ruby 0.0.4

Ruby Driver for Elastic Search

195,531 下载

fluent-plugin-scribe 1.0.0

Fluentd input/output plugin to handle Facebook scribed thrift protocol

183,993 下载

rbhive-u2i 1.0.2

Simple gem for executing Hive queries and collecting the results

171,269 下载

opencensus-jaeger 0.2.3

Jaeger exporter for OpenCensus

128,154 下载

thrift-multiplexer 0.0.1

Thrift Multiplexer

120,009 下载

impala 0.5.1

A ruby client for Cloudera's Impala

69,766 下载

thrift-validator 0.1.3

Recursive thrift struct validator

47,072 下载

flockdb 0.7.1

Get your flock on in Ruby.

43,507 下载

concord-ruby 0.3.6

ruby client library for concord operators

39,003 下载

massive_record 0.2.2

HBase Ruby client API

34,188 下载

stark 0.10.0

Optimized thrift bindings for ruby.

33,976 下载

cassilds 0.12.6

A Ruby client for the Cassandra distributed database.

33,081 下载

priam 0.1.4

Command-base client for Cassandra.

31,999 下载

opentracing-instrumentation 0.2.1

OpenTracing instrumentation for Bunny, Faraday, Hutch, Mongo, PORO, Rack, Sidekiq, Sina...

31,050 下载

fluent-plugin-flume 0.2.0

Flume Input/Output plugin for Fluentd event collector

30,556 下载

my_stuff-fb303 0.0.9

Basic implementation of fb303 for Ruby services

29,646 下载

ansible4ozw 0.0.7

Ruby-based home automation scripting framework for KNX and ZWave devices.

29,563 下载

opentelemetry-exporters-jaeger 0.5.0

Jaeger trace exporter for the OpenTelemetry framework

28,149 下载

hbaserb 0.0.5

Ruby HBase library using Thrift

28,046 下载

ganapati 0.0.7

Hadoop HDFS Thrift interface for Ruby

27,525 下载

scribe-rb 2.2.1

Everything you need to build a Ruby producer/client or consumer/server of Scribe messages

26,759 下载

thrifter 1.1.0

Production ready Thrift client with improved semantics

25,755 下载

thrift_rack 0.2.6

thrift http rakc server

25,737 下载

thrifty 0.0.8

Automatically compile Thrift definitions in Ruby

24,403 下载

rubyzipkin 0.4.6

Track rack header requests on zipkin

24,299 下载

faraday-zipkin 0.3.1

Faraday middleware to generate Zipkin tracing headers.

24,264 下载

下载总量 46,785,181

这个版本 62,773



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
