RubyGems Navigation menu


access_policy_rails 0.0.2

Object oriented authorization for ruby.

9.430 Descargas

accessrange 0.2.0

A range with accessible attributes. V 0.2.0 provides all range functions.

10.606 Descargas

access_roles 0.1.0

Access role management library for role-based access control, based on RDF and ActiveTr...

4.094 Descargas

access_rules 0.1.0

Authorization for Rails

10.373 Descargas

access_schema 0.6.1

AccessSchema is a tool for ACL or tariff plans schema definition and checks

150.481 Descargas

access_stack 0.0.1

Abstract object pooling for cool people. See homepage

5.066 Descargas

access-styles 1.1.1

Common styles and utilities used across our projects

50.784 Descargas

access_token 0.1.2

Access token for client-side and API authentication.

12.133 Descargas

access_token_agent 3.5.0

Retrieves an access token from an OAuth2 provider using the supplied credentials.

42.552 Descargas

access_token_wrapper 0.5.0

Wrapper for OAuth2::Token to automatically refresh the expiry token when expired.

12.722 Descargas

access_watch 0.0.5

A Ruby library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.

10.748 Descargas

access_watch_rails 0.1.2

A Rails library to log and analyse Rails HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud ser...

15.650 Descargas

access-watch-rails 0.0.3

A Rails library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.

8.138 Descargas

access-watch-ruby 0.0.1

A Ruby library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.

3.277 Descargas

accio 0.0.3

Accio is a code snippet management tool for the terminal

17.957 Descargas

accio_bower 1.0.0

Import externally managed Bower assets via Rails Sprockets while preserving links to re...

8.250 Descargas

acclaim 0.5.1

Command-line option parser and command interface.

180.122 Descargas

acclaim-api 0.1.0

Ruby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at https:/...

2.758 Descargas

acclimate 0.6.0

A Cli building toolkit. See README for more details.

30.670 Descargas

acclir 0.2.0

AtCoder CLI developed in Ruby.

1.986 Descargas

ac_copyright_tool 0.1.0

This gem generates HTML data for Rails applications.

3.028 Descargas

accord 0.1.1

Contracts and adaptation for Ruby

18.610 Descargas

according_to 0.0.1

gem install according_to

4.894 Descargas

accordion_view 0.0.1

Adding Accordion to your view

10.381 Descargas

accountability 0.2.3

In Development - Coming Soon

10.956 Descargas

accountable 0.0.2

An abstraction of the account / user pattern. The account owns all of the system asset...

11.507 Descargas

accountancy 0.0.1

Full stack accountancy solution for rails: accounting / invoice model, pricing, gateway...

10.863 Descargas

accountant 0.0.3

Double-entry accounting.

4.810 Descargas

accountant_clerk 0.8

Simple reports that are not so simple anymore and let you analyse your shops performance

25.262 Descargas

accountant_date 0.0.4

Accountants deals with dates that are simply months (e.g., 01/13). accountant_date pars...

22.052 Descargas