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avatars_for_rails 1.1.4

A Rails engine that allows any model to act as avatarable, permitting it to have a comp...

188 882 Téléchargements 0.1.5

Hosted User Avatar Service for your Apps and Site. Load avatars easily from Twitter, Fa...

27 463 Téléchargements

avatar_store 0.0.3

helper methods for, the free, simple avatar holding service

3 660 Téléchargements

avatax 24.4.2

A Ruby wrapper for the AvaTax REST and Search APIs

4 521 638 Téléchargements

Avatax_AddressService 2.0.1

Ruby SDK provides means of communication with Avatax Web Services.

42 698 Téléchargements

avatax_client 0.2.1

Reduce the burden of integration with the Avalara Avatax API. Av...

7 273 Téléchargements

avatax-ruby 0.1.0

Ruby client for Avatax

1 304 682 Téléchargements

Avatax_TaxService 2.0.2

Ruby SDK provides means of communication with Avatax Web Services.

220 031 Téléchargements

avaticon 0.0.7

A library for getting web service user icon.

10 036 Téléchargements

ava_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated html data for Rails.

2 474 Téléchargements

avaya 0.0.6

If you are looking to talk to you Avaya Ip Office then this is the gem for you!

15 947 Téléchargements

avburn 0.5.0

Read/Write AVR Microcontrollers fuses and memory

28 076 Téléchargements

av_capture 1.0.2

Wraps up AVCapture and exposes it to Ruby. This gem only works on OS X.

10 989 Téléchargements

avchi 0.1.0

its a test script

422 Téléchargements

AVClub 1.0.4

Setup an AVCaptureSession with video, multiple cameras, and still image capabilities. ...

28 619 Téléchargements

avdata 0.4.0

A gem to parse Aviation data files

5 207 Téléchargements

avdi-faraday 0.8.1

Just a fork so I can satisfy gem dependencies in Leadlight.

5 069 Téléchargements

avdi-rack_base_uri 0.0.5

A middleware to automatically set the base URI for [X]HTML documents. This is useful wh...

12 689 Téléchargements

avdt_ldap 1.0.1

This gem can manage user authentication on multiple LDAP directories that can reside ei...

14 280 Téléchargements

avdt_ldap_legacy 1.1.0

avdt_ldap is a simple LDAP authentication library for user authentication on multiple L...

5 371 Téléchargements

aveceine 1.0.0

Waros Array-Hash manager.

8 879 Téléchargements

avenue 0.0.0


4 482 Téléchargements

average 3.1

Find the arithmethic mean/mode/median of an array of numbers .

13 485 Téléchargements

average_hash 0.1.1

Simple similarity calculation method of image

5 806 Téléchargements

averager 0.2.1

RubyGem to track long running processes.

33 966 Téléchargements

average_roles 0.0.1

Add roles to models with tree structure via postgres_tree. It's average because it does...

3 876 Téléchargements

averell23-assit 0.1.2

Lightweight library that provides easy-to-use runtime assertions for Ruby

6 833 Téléchargements

averell23-bj 1.0.2

Special version for JRuby compatibility. Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero...

3 887 Téléchargements

averell23-gokdok 0.1.2

Allows you to automatically push your RDoc documentation to GitHub.

6 875 Téléchargements

averell23-systemu 1.2.0

Special version for JRuby compatibility

3 965 Téléchargements