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Displaying rubygems 31 - 40 of 100 in total

http-cookie 1.0.7 August 14, 2024

HTTP::Cookie is a Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265. It has with s...

454.848.412 Descargas

rubocop 1.66.1 September 04, 2024

RuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the ...

454.566.132 Descargas

redis 5.3.0 August 21, 2024

A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an i...

430.955.843 Descargas

rexml 3.3.7 September 04, 2024

An XML toolkit for Ruby

430.230.246 Descargas

unf 0.2.0 August 18, 2024

This is a wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby/JRuby.

428.862.775 Descargas

sprockets-rails 3.5.2 July 31, 2024

Sprockets Rails integration

421.899.587 Descargas

zeitwerk 2.6.18 September 02, 2024

Zeitwerk implements constant autoloading with Ruby semantics. Each gem and applicat...

394.855.090 Descargas

faraday-net_http 3.3.0 August 26, 2024

Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP

375.082.525 Descargas

racc 1.8.1 July 30, 2024

Racc is an LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby...

371.443.750 Descargas

actioncable 7.2.1 August 22, 2024

Structure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...

368.735.367 Descargas