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MuranoCLI 3.0.7

Do more from the command line with Murano. Push and pull data from Murano. Get status on what things have changed. See a diff of the changes before you push. And so much more. (This gem was formerly known as MrMurano.)

= Copier Copié!



  1. 3.2.3.beta.3 - October 12, 2018 (213 ko)
  2. 3.2.3.beta.2 - September 28, 2018 (213 ko)
  3. 3.2.3.beta.1 - September 26, 2018 (213 ko)
  4. 3.2.2 - September 13, 2018 (213 ko)
  5. 3.2.2.beta.4 - September 11, 2018 (213 ko)
  6. 3.0.7 - November 06, 2017 (219 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (40)

Dépendances de Runtime (19):

certified = 1.0.0
commander ~> 4.4.3
dotenv ~> 2.1.1
highline ~> 1.7.8
http-form_data ~> 1.0.3
inflecto >= 0
inifile ~> 3.0
json ~> 2.1.0
json-schema ~> 2.7.0
mime-types ~> 3.1
mime-types-data ~> 3.2016.0521
os ~> 1.0.0
paint ~> 2.0.0
public_suffix ~> 2.0.5
rainbow ~> 2.2.2
rake ~> 12.1.0
terminal-table ~> 1.8.0
vine ~> 0.4
whirly ~> 0.2.4

Dépendances de Development (8):

bundler ~> 1.7.6
byebug ~> 9.0.6
ocra = 1.3.8
rspec ~> 3.5
rubocop ~> 0.49.1
simplecov >= 0
webmock ~> 2.3.0
yard >= 0



  • Michael Conrad Tadpol Tilstra

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 107 393

Pour cette version 1 956



Version de Ruby requise: ~> 2.0
