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agile-proxy 0.1.25

An agile, programmable, controllable proxy server for use standalone or as part of an integration test suite with clients for many languages

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  1. 0.1.26 - April 22, 2015 (53.5 KB)
  2. 0.1.25 - March 19, 2015 (53.5 KB)
  3. 0.1.24 - March 11, 2015 (8.63 MB)
  4. 0.1.23 - March 03, 2015 (8.63 MB)
  5. 0.1.22 - March 02, 2015 (8.63 MB)
Show all versions (21 total)

Runtime Dependencies (13):

activerecord >= 4.2.0, ~> 4.2
em-http-request >= 1.1.2, ~> 1.1
em-synchrony >= 1.0.3, ~> 1.0
eventmachine >= 1.0.3, ~> 1.0
flavour_saver >= 0.3.4, ~> 0.3
goliath >= 1.0.4, ~> 1.0
goliath-proxy >= 0.0.1, ~> 0.0
grape >= 0.10.1, ~> 0.10
grape-kaminari >= 0.1.7, ~> 0.1
rack-cache >= 1.2, ~> 1.2
shoulda-matchers = 2.8.0.rc2
sqlite3 >= 1.3.10, ~> 1.3
thor >= 0.19.1, ~> 0.19

Development Dependencies (15):

cucumber >= 1.3.17, ~> 1.3
faker >= 1.2.0, ~> 1.2
faraday >= 0.9.0, ~> 0.9
guard >= 2.6.1, ~> 2.6
poltergeist >= 1.5.1, ~> 1.5
rake ~> 0
rb-inotify >= 0.9.5, ~> 0.9
require_all >= 1.3.2, ~> 1.3
rest-client >= 1.7.2, ~> 1.7
rspec >= 3.1.0, ~> 3.1
rspec-mocks >= 3.1.3, ~> 3.1
selenium-webdriver >= 2.43.0, ~> 2.43
simplecov >= 0.9.1, ~> 0.9
travis >= 1.7.5, ~> 1.7
yard >= 0.8, ~> 0.8



  • Gary Taylor

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 68,066

For this version 2,929



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
