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devise 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 devise

devise-dynamoid 0.1.0

Support Dynamoid ORM and generators for Devise

3,498 下载

passconf 1.0.1

This is a nice and simple full Rails Engine where use can authorize Password before con...

3,494 下载

xn_devise_ldap_authenticatable 0.8.5

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP. Customized for XN.

3,487 下载

partybook_core 0.0.1

core gem of partybook.

3,431 下载

ecom2 0.0.1

A Rails plugin to create Ecommerce Application.

3,414 下载

stn-simple_token_authentication 1.7.1

Simple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.

3,408 下载

vendr 0.1.0

Full featured, fast, reliable, open source Rails e-commerce engine

3,406 下载

devise-uncommon_password-alt 0.1.1

Devise extension to prevent users from using a common password.

3,403 下载

hb_gems 0.1.2


3,388 下载

uibox 0.0.1

Description of Uibox.

3,283 下载

woodlock 0.0.1

Woodlock is an authentication and user management engine.

3,283 下载

messaging_4 0.0.1

Messaging allows you to put have messaigng support in a rails or refinery application.

3,273 下载

alpha_api 0.1.1

Expose models with restful api

3,249 下载

gemgento 2.8.0

rails based magento bridge for ecommerce

3,244 下载

devise-activeresource 0.1.0

Plugin to use Active Resource in Devise

3,244 下载

jwt_authentication 0.1.0

Token authentication using JSON Web Token for Rails with Devise.

3,230 下载

sakura-toolbox 0.1.5

This gem is just bootstrapping gems package.

3,202 下载

samurai_core 1.0.0

Core features of SamuraiCRM.

3,117 下载

people_user_generator 0.0.1

An engine that creates a user class

3,086 下载


For use with client side single page apps such as the venerable

3,080 下载


Adds sorting, filters and pagination to html tables. TESTING

3,066 下载

spina-admin-conferences-accounts 0.1.1

Implements devise accounts into SpinaCMS.

3,058 下载

trackstamps_mongoid 0.0.1

Trackstamps for mongoid ORM

3,048 下载

redactor-rails4 0.5.0

The redactor-rails gem integrates the Redactor editor

3,031 下载

brilliant_cms 0.0.1

Description of BrilliantCms.

3,024 下载

hmac-auth-rails 0.0.3

Provides HMAC authentication to your Rails controllers

2,926 下载

shopping_cart 0.1.0

Adds shopping cart and checkout functionality to your shop.

2,926 下载

dougjohnston-devise_invitable 0.4.rc

It adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc...

2,883 下载

adminka 0.1.0

Description of Adminka.

2,878 下载

devise-twitter-amuino 0.1.2.pre1

Sign in via Twitter and Connect your account to Twitter functionality for your Devise/R...

2,876 下载

下载总量 193,834,460

这个版本 676,732



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.1.0
