RubyGems Navigation menu

engine_cartの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はengine_cartを必要としています

blacklight 8.1.0

Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...

1,324,852 ダウンロード数

hydra-head 12.1.0

Hydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application.

763,227 ダウンロード数

blacklight-gallery 4.4.0

Gallery display for Blacklight

366,163 ダウンロード数

hydra-editor 6.2.0

A basic metadata editor for hydra-head

324,368 ダウンロード数

openseadragon 0.6.0

OpenSeadragon is a javascript library for displaying tiling images. This gem packages t...

319,122 ダウンロード数

qa 5.11.0

Provides a set of uniform RESTful routes to query any controlled vocabulary or set of a...

317,807 ダウンロード数


Enable librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to ...

303,050 ダウンロード数

blacklight-access_controls 6.0.1

Access controls for blacklight-based applications

265,544 ダウンロード数

riiif 2.5.0

A IIIF image server

264,684 ダウンロード数

blacklight_range_limit 8.5.0

Blacklight Range Limit plugin

246,157 ダウンロード数

blacklight_advanced_search 7.0.0

Blacklight Advanced Search plugin

241,754 ダウンロード数

active_encode 1.2.2

This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...

232,042 ダウンロード数

sufia 7.4.1

Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...

202,536 ダウンロード数

geoblacklight 4.4.0

GeoBlacklight provides a world-class discovery platform for geospatial (GIS) holdings. ...

199,796 ダウンロード数

curation_concerns 2.0.0

A Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works")

161,777 ダウンロード数

noid-rails 3.1.0

Noid identifier services for Rails-based applications.

158,169 ダウンロード数

hydra-collections 8.2.0

A rails engine for managing Hydra Collections

144,480 ダウンロード数

active_fedora-noid 2.2.0

Noid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications.

132,826 ダウンロード数

hydra-batch-edit 2.1.0

Rails engine to do batch editing with curation_concerns

110,060 ダウンロード数

hydra-role-management 1.1.0

Rails engine to do user roles in an RDBMS for hydra-head

102,395 ダウンロード数

base_indexer 5.0.0

Description of BaseIndexer.

101,322 ダウンロード数

blacklight-marc 8.1.3

MARC support for Blacklight

94,670 ダウンロード数

qa_server 8.0.1

A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search...

79,816 ダウンロード数

blacklight-oembed 1.1.1

Oembed display for Blacklight

76,989 ダウンロード数

blacklight_oai_provider 7.0.2

Blacklight Oai Provider plugin

74,599 ダウンロード数

blacklight-hierarchy 6.2.2

Allows delimited Solr facets to become hierarchical trees in Blacklight.

72,247 ダウンロード数

triannon 3.1.0

Rails engine for working with OpenAnnotations stored in Fedora4

67,280 ダウンロード数

spotlight-dor-resources 2.0.1

Spotlight resource indexer for DOR resources.

54,578 ダウンロード数

blacklight_cql 3.0.1

Blacklight CQL plugin

47,306 ダウンロード数

sul_styles 0.7.0

A gem for adding Stanford University Libraries styles to Rails applications

45,911 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 314,598

このバージョンのみ 6,621



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