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sufia 7.4.1

Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repository features and social features. Sufia offers self-deposit, proxy deposit, and configurable mediated deposit workflows. Sufia delivers its rich and growing set of features via a modern, responsive UI




  1. 7.4.1 October 10, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  2. 7.4.0 September 07, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  3. 7.3.1 April 26, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  4. 7.3.0 March 21, 2017 (6.62 MB)
  5. 7.3.0.rc3 March 02, 2017 (6.61 MB)
Show all versions (81 total)

Runtime Dependencies (31):

almond-rails ~> 0.0.1
blacklight < 6.10, ~> 6.6
browse-everything >= 0.10.3
carrierwave ~> 1.0
daemons ~> 1.1
flipflop ~> 2.3
flot-rails ~> 0.0.6
hydra-head >= 10.4.0
hydra-works ~> 0.16
i18n = 0.8.1
legato ~> 0.3
mailboxer ~> 0.12
nest ~> 2.0
oauth >= 0
oauth2 ~> 1.2
qa ~> 0.8
rdf-rdfxml >= 0
redis-namespace ~> 1.5.2
select2-rails ~> 3.5.9
signet >= 0
tinymce-rails ~> 4.1
tinymce-rails-imageupload ~> 4.0.16.beta
yaml_db ~> 0.2

Development Dependencies (17):

capybara ~> 2.4
engine_cart ~> 1.0
fcrepo_wrapper >= 0.5.1, ~> 0.5
jasmine ~> 2.3
mida ~> 0.3
poltergeist ~> 1.5
rspec-its ~> 1.1
rspec-rails ~> 3.1
rubocop ~> 0.42.0
rubocop-rspec ~> 1.8.0
solr_wrapper ~> 0.5



  • Justin Coyne, Michael J. Giarlo, Carolyn Cole, Matt Zumwalt, Jeremy Friesen

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 207,795

For this version 3,334

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
