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curation_concerns 2.0.0

A Rails Engine that allows an application to CRUD CurationConcern objects (a.k.a. "Works")

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  1. 2.0.0 - April 20, 2017 (382 KB)
  2. 2.0.0.rc2 - April 10, 2017 (382 KB)
  3. 2.0.0.rc1 - December 22, 2016 (376 KB)
  4. 1.7.8 - October 10, 2017 (381 KB)
  5. 1.7.7 - April 24, 2017 (381 KB)
Show all versions (67 total)

Runtime Dependencies (28):

active-fedora >= 10.3.0
active_fedora-noid ~> 2.0.0.beta5
blacklight ~> 6.3
breadcrumbs_on_rails < 4, >= 3.0.1
browse-everything >= 0.10.5, ~> 0.10
dry-equalizer ~> 0.2
dry-struct ~> 0.1
flot-rails ~> 0.0.7
hydra-editor < 4, >= 2
hydra-head < 11, >= 10.3.0
hydra-pcdm ~> 0.9.0
hydra-works >= 0.15.0
jquery-ui-rails ~> 5.0.5
power_converter >= 0.1.2, ~> 0.1
qa ~> 0.5
rdf >= 1.99
rdf-vocab >= 0.8
redlock >= 0.1.2
simple_form ~> 3.1
solrizer ~> 3.4

Development Dependencies (22):

bundler ~> 1.6
capybara ~> 2.5
devise < 5, >= 3.0
engine_cart ~> 1.0
jasmine >= 0
mida ~> 0.3.4
poltergeist >= 1.5.0
rake >= 0
rspec-its >= 0
rspec-rails ~> 3.5
rubocop ~> 0.39
rubocop-rspec ~> 1.4.1
solr_wrapper ~> 0.16
sqlite3 >= 0
webmock >= 0



  • Matt Zumwalt, Justin Coyne, Jeremy Friesen

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 165,787

For this version 2,704

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
