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friendly_id 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 friendly_id

mokio 2.0.8

Mokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites...

27,517 下載

chili_presentations 0.2.2

ChiliProject/Redmine plugin which allows you to upload a zipped directory containing a ...

25,041 下載

ecm_downloads 0.0.4

Provides downloads for active admin.

24,960 下載


HancockCMS - ActiveRecord metapackage

24,059 下載

stiki 0.2.0

A simple wiki Rails engine

23,918 下載

ecm_products 2.0.9.pre

Product management for active admin.

23,421 下載

chili_pepper 0.1.7

Using in-place editing etc.

22,946 下載

friendly_id-method_scopes 0.3.7

FriendlyId Extension to allow method scopes, in addition to column and relationship sco...

21,968 下載

refinerycms-solr 1.0.9

An extension to handle the integration of Refinery CMS and Solr

21,190 下載

phcdevworks_accounts_stripe 1.1.1

Ruby on Rails 7 Stripe Addon for PHCDevworks Accounts plugin.

20,756 下載

ecm_sliders 1.0.4.pre

ECM Module Template.

20,646 下載

gdshowsdb 4.0.2

All Grateful Dead show information in a relational database.

20,500 下載

ebook_generator 1.0.4

A simple eBook (ePub and Mobi) generator gem

19,929 下載

imp3 0.1.5

An application for batch processing and fixing common issues when dealing with a large ...

19,816 下載

solidus_core_devise_token_auth 2.8.0.alpha.14

Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project (devise_token...

19,462 下載

ecm_staff2 3.1.1

Ecm::Staff Module.

19,409 下載

saphira 0.1.0

This is a simple file manager created in RoR as a mountable engine. It's created for Ra...

19,361 下載

ecm_courses 0.0.1

Couse management module for active admin.

19,137 下載

merrycms 0.1.7

Admin panel for rails3 app : user management, pages, categories

19,119 下載

stall 0.3.5

Rails e-commerce framework

19,035 下載

phccodesnipper 6.1.1

Ruby on Rails 7 engine to manage script and post code snippets.

18,856 下載

ecm_blog 1.3.1

Ecm::Blog Module.

18,646 下載

cloudpress 0.1.6

A blogging framework that uses dropbox as it's storage engine

18,486 下載

simple_showcase_admin 0.0.7

SimpleShowcaseAdmin includes all the necessary logic to create a basic admin panel that...

18,372 下載

integral 2.0.0

Building a professional website on Rails has never been easier. Create fascinating blog...

17,901 下載

engrave 1.0.0

Yet another Ruby blog engine.

17,758 下載

beerify 0.2.0

The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!

17,581 下載

kealy_cms 0.0.5

ditto above

17,403 下載

ars-permalink 0.1.4

ActiveRecordSchema permalink gem (based on FriendlyId)

17,367 下載

date_book 0.1.4

Rails 5 Engine to give users their own calendars of events.

16,959 下載

總下載次數 41,715,116

這個版本 901,859



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1.0
