RubyGems Navigation menu

gemcutter 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 gemcutter

tappy 1.0.6

Twitter API Proxy in ruby.

24,384 下載

dir_dsl 1.0.7

Library for working with files and directories in DSL-way

24,028 下載

appfigures 0.1.1

AppFigures API ruby edition

23,852 下載

jobmanager 1.1.3

This gem simplifies monitoring / reporting cron jobs on unix systems. It provides a nu...

23,057 下載

linux_provision 0.9.10

Library for building Linux computer provisioning

22,921 下載

web_app_builder 1.0.8

Class that helps to keep database credentials for rails application in private place

22,917 下載

osx_provision 0.9.9

Library for building Mac OSX computer provisioning

22,071 下載

shadow_db_credentials 1.1.4

Class that helps to keep database credentials for rails application in private place

21,703 下載

gemk 1.3.1

FIX (describe your package)

20,773 下載

mutaconf 0.2.0

Create simple DSLs and read configuration from hashes or objects.

20,285 下載

filezor 1.3.6

pure ruby file sync

20,198 下載

heroku-helper 0.3.0

Heroku deployment helper

20,018 下載

rails-upgrade 0.0.2

A simple battery of scripts for upgrading Rails app/checking them for required updates.

19,763 下載

upoj-rb 0.0.5

This contains common ruby extensions mostly taken from Rails, as well as various comman...

19,169 下載

cafepress-search 1.1.0

A client library for the Cafepress search API that allows you to search for designs and...

19,048 下載

osxscreenshot 0.0.5

A Ruby wrapper around to easily and programmatically capture screenshots ...

19,020 下載

meteo 1.1.2

Provides command line access to OpenWeatherMap service.

18,971 下載

jquery-raty-rails 0.0.1

Integrates jquery-raty into the Rails 3 asset pipeline.

18,848 下載

rb-zmq 0.0.6

This gem comprises the ruby bindings for ZeroMQ

18,524 下載

chimera 0.0.4

Chimera is an object mapper for Riak and Redis. The idea is to mix the advantages of Ri...

18,490 下載

server_launcher 1.0.5

Convenient classes to manage servers from rake

18,338 下載


Riaktor is a Ruby client and object mapper for Riak ( It's bran...

18,240 下載

thermostat 1.2.0

Thermostat.rb is an attempt to build an easy to use ruby api around the web services pr...

17,692 下載

edango 0.5.4

Evil Dango is a small Ruby application that can extract torrent tickets from 'torrentpi...

17,250 下載

ah 1.0.2

Useful gems.

17,122 下載

acceptance_tests_support 1.0.2

Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.

17,114 下載

erbextensions 1.0.3

erbextensions is a library that extends the Standard ERB library. One key functionality...

16,985 下載

temperature 1.2

Temperature makes it easy to deal with temperatures in Ruby, but adding mixin methods t...

16,721 下載

glinda 0.2.3

Toto, expanded

16,683 下載

hoe-hg 1.0.5

A Hoe plugin for Mercurial integration. Provides tasks to automate release tagging and ...

16,376 下載

總下載次數 1,544,259

這個版本 685,267


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