RubyGems Navigation menu

hashdiff 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hashdiff

webmock 3.23.1

WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.

260,007,500 下載

vcr 6.2.0

Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for ...

107,505,346 下載

appium_lib 15.1.0

Ruby library for Appium.

5,369,418 下載

graphql-metrics 5.0.8

Extract as much much detail as you want from GraphQL queries, served up from your Ruby ...

5,269,883 下載

gooddata 2.3.1

Use the GoodData::Client class to integrate GoodData into your own application or use t...

2,055,817 下載

gooddata 2.3.1

Use the GoodData::Client class to integrate GoodData into your own application or use t...

2,055,817 下載

parse_packwerk 0.25.0

A low-dependency gem for parsing and writing packwerk YML files

1,744,258 下載

fixture_builder 0.5.2

FixtureBuilder allows testers to use their existing factories, like FactoryGirl, to gen...

1,351,047 下載

sfn 3.1.8

SparkleFormation CLI

1,227,228 下載

bolognese 2.2.0

Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...

691,531 下載

kennel 1.152.0

Keep datadog monitors/dashboards/etc in version control, avoid chaotic management via UI

457,945 下載

stack_master 2.14.1

StackMaster is a sure-footed way of creating, updating and keeping track of Amazon (AWS...

403,666 下載

couchrest_model 2.0.4

CouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...

380,351 下載

k8s-ruby 0.16.0

Kubernetes client library for Ruby

325,428 下載

decidim-core 0.28.1

Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.

312,200 下載

k8s-client 0.10.4

Kubernetes client library

303,316 下載

renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...

291,519 下載

eco-helpers 2.7.12

eco-helpers to manage people api cases

261,387 下載

jsonapi_parameters 2.3.0

JsonApi::Parameters allows you to easily translate JSON:API compliant parameters to a s...

239,165 下載

hu 3.0.0

Heroku Utility.

195,784 下載

storyblok 3.2.0

Ruby client for the management and content delivery API

156,569 下載

octocatalog-diff 2.1.0

Octocatalog-Diff assists with Puppet development and testing by enabling the user to co...

150,962 下載

paper_trail-hashdiff 0.1.3

Allows storing only incremental changes in the object_changes column

140,552 下載

opsicle 2.15.0

CLI for the opsworks platform

136,434 下載

sanctum 0.9.2

Syncs encrypted content from the filesystem to the Vault secrets store.

126,295 下載

opendmm 1.0.3

OpenDMM: an open-source Japanese AV search engine

121,327 下載

synapse 0.16.2

Synapse is a daemon used to dynamically configure and manage local instances of HAProxy...

101,645 下載

ratis 3.6.6

A Ruby wrapper around the ATIS SOAP Interface

101,527 下載

biosphere 0.2.19

Terraform's HCL lacks quite many programming features like iterators, true variables, a...

84,603 下載

bosh-workspace 0.9.14

Manage your bosh workspace

82,036 下載

總下載次數 250,986,422

這個版本 9,070,842



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
