RubyGems Navigation menu

httpclient 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 httpclient

autodiscover 1.0.2

The Autodiscover Service provides information about a Microsoft Exchange environment su...

116,658 下載

deploygate 0.10.0

You can control to DeployGate in your terminal

111,443 下載

cheftacular 2.15.5

Ruby gem for managing a chef stack. Primarily targetted towards rails stacks and is des...

110,747 下載

rentlinx 0.14.0

API Wrapper for the Rentlinx API

108,528 下載

msteams_webhook 0.1.0

Ruby gem builded for send messages to Microsoft Teams.

108,390 下載

consadole_aggregator 0.2.14

aggregates infomation of 'Consadole Sapporo'

108,208 下載

opener-property-tagger 3.4.3

Property tagger for hotels in Dutch and English.

107,953 下載

eat 0.1.8

A (better?) replacement for open-uri. Gets the contents of local and remote files as a ...

105,545 下載

locomotivecms_coal 1.7.0

The LocomotiveCMS Coal is the API ruby client for the LocomotiveCMS platform

101,450 下載

lyp 1.3.11

Lyp is a tool for installing lilypond and managing lilypond packages

100,655 下載

vcap_common 4.0.5

common vcap classes/methods

99,373 下載

location-one 0.0.10

Location Simulation Client for Calabash and Frank backends.

97,232 下載

bookscan 0.5.14

This is a scraper of Bookscan ( Service.This is *NOT* a offic...

91,797 下載

mattermost-api4-ruby 0.0.10

Mattermost API v4 client for ruby

91,317 下載

bento_search 1.7.0

An abstraction/normalization layer for querying and displaying results for external sea...

90,153 下載

gemirro 1.3.0

Create your own gems mirror.

87,813 下載

afipws 2.2.0

Ruby client para los web services de la AFIP

87,769 下載

fontana_client_support 0.19.1

gem to support development and testing with GSS/fontana

86,784 下載

stormpath-sdk 1.7.0

Stormpath SDK used to interact with the Stormpath REST API

86,640 下載

rabbit_swift 0.4.1

OpenStack Object Storage Simple Client

86,492 下載

cul-fedora 1.0.3

Columbia-specific Fedora libraries

85,782 下載

msgpack-rpc-over-http 0.2.0

This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP

83,070 下載

msgpack-rpc-over-http 0.2.0

This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP

83,070 下載

turbot-ruby-gems 0.34

Metapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.

79,625 下載

awesm 0.1.10

The 'awesm' gem is an interface for (, a social link analy...

77,976 下載


An easy-to-use client for Zuora.

76,729 下載

embulk-input-mixpanel 0.6.1

Loads records from Mixpanel.

76,384 下載

chardinjs-rails 0.1.3

Simple overlay instructions for your apps.

75,067 下載

vzaar 1.6.2

A Ruby gem for the vzaar API

74,220 下載

httpthumbnailer 1.3.0

Statless HTTP server that provides API for thumbnailing images with different aspect ra...

74,183 下載

總下載次數 339,979,819

這個版本 303,283,110



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
