RubyGems Navigation menu

phony 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 phony

phony_rails 0.15.0

This Gem adds useful methods to your Rails app to validate, display and save phone numb...

12,290,929 下载

activevalidators 6.0.0

ActiveValidators is a collection of ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations

689,558 下载

mls 1.9.0

Ruby library for integrating with the 42Floors MLS

419,742 下载

textris 0.7.1

Implement texter classes for sending SMS messages in similar way to how e-mails are sen...

203,405 下载

attributes_for 0.8.1

ActiveView Helper to present formatted ActiveModel attributes with icons.

67,321 下载

ctm 0.5.4

API Library for CallTrackingMetrics

59,268 下载

torasup 0.3.3

"Retuns metadata about a phone number such as operator, area code and more"

56,760 下载

mote_sms 2.0.0

Unofficial ruby adapter for Swisscom and MobileTechnics Bulk SMS APIs. ...

47,926 下载

cm-sms 0.2.7

Send text messages by means of the HTTP protocol with the service of https://www.cmtele...

41,089 下载

punk 0.4.1

Punk! is an omakase web framework for rapid prototyping.

30,387 下载

phone_classifier 0.0.11

Classifies some countries phone numbers into :mobile, :forbidden and :landline

25,945 下载

rundown 0.0.8

Extracts dates, phone numbers, sentiment and other items from naturally worded text.

19,404 下载

basepack 1.0.1

Basepack for Rails

19,394 下载

countries-phone_numbers 1.0.3

Find countries by phone numbers

18,291 下载

rails_admin_phone_number_field 0.1.1

Adds a auto-formatting phone number field to RailsAdmin.

11,750 下载

your_platform 1.0.1

Administrative and social network platform for closed user groups.

10,539 下载

cogi_phony 0.0.6

This gem provide you library to validate, parsing and format phone number, detect phone...

10,380 下载

motion-phony 0.1.1

A RubyMotion wrapper around the awesome Phony gem

8,247 下载

appt 0.0.1.beta.3

appt engine

7,527 下载

phony_number 0.0.2

This Gem adds useful methods to your Rails app to validate, display and save phone numb...

6,964 下载

phony_attribute 0.0.1

ActiveModel field serializer for handling phone numbers via Phony gem

3,823 下载

api_guardian 1.0.0.pre.beta1

Drop in authorization and authentication suite for Rails APIs. Features include use...

3,740 下载

ptc 0.1.1


2,913 下载

babysms 0.5.1

Functionality to send SMS via Twilio, Nexmo, etc.

2,818 下载

webhookdb 1.3.1

Replicate any API to your database with WebhookDB. WebhookDB handles webhooks and inte...

2,166 下载

manymessage 0.1.1

Given a text file with a list of names, this CLI will find their phone numbers from you...

1,114 下载

german_phone_number_classifier 1.0.0.pre

Library for checking in which category a german phone number falls in regards to Bundes...

708 下载

下载总量 22,353,658

这个版本 307,188



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
