RubyGems Navigation menu

sinatraの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はsinatraを必要としています

bosh-registry 1.3262.24.0

BOSH Registry

990,124 ダウンロード数

bosh-director 1.3262.24.0

BOSH Director

917,382 ダウンロード数

bosh-monitor 1.3262.24.0

BOSH Health Monitor

898,293 ダウンロード数

celerity 0.9.2

Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript...

896,543 ダウンロード数

capybara_discoball 0.1.0

When ShamRack doesn't quite cut it; when your JavaScript and non-Ruby code needs to hit...

879,342 ダウンロード数

puppeteer-ruby 0.45.4

A ruby port of puppeteer

863,436 ダウンロード数

adyen 2.4.0

Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...

854,384 ダウンロード数

apparition 0.6.0

Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...

851,502 ダウンロード数

dredd_hooks 0.1.2

Write Dredd hooks in Ruby to glue together API Blueprint with your Ruby project.

814,315 ダウンロード数

logstash-core 7.5.2

The core components of logstash, the scalable log and event management tool

810,788 ダウンロード数

omniauth-microsoft_graph 2.0.1

omniauth provider for new Microsoft Graph API

809,614 ダウンロード数

gollum 6.0.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

808,297 ダウンロード数

hot_tub 1.1.0

Flexible connection pooling for Ruby.

766,795 ダウンロード数

capybara_minitest_spec 1.0.7

Use Capybara matchers with MiniTest. Specifically, it defines MiniTest::Spec expectatio...

761,887 ダウンロード数

sparql 3.3.1

SPARQL Implements SPARQL 1.1 Query, Update and result formats for the Ruby RDF.rb libra...

760,865 ダウンロード数

simple_blobstore_server 1.3262.24.0

BOSH Simple Blobstore Server

749,732 ダウンロード数

orderly 0.1.1

orderly: an rspec assertion for request specs to assert that one piece of content appea...

731,810 ダウンロード数

async_sinatra 1.3.0

A Sinatra plugin to provide convenience whilst performing asynchronous responses inside...

725,087 ダウンロード数

fake_stripe 0.3.0

An implementation of the Stripe credit card processing service to run during your integ...

724,491 ダウンロード数

rest-assured 4.0.0

Real stubs and spies for HTTP(S) services

720,345 ダウンロード数

opal 1.8.2

Opal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runt...

718,072 ダウンロード数

dynflow 1.9.0

Ruby workflow/orchestration engine

707,033 ダウンロード数

scale_down 0.8.1

A Sinatra based server for quickly scaling and serving images. Nothing more.

693,311 ダウンロード数

clickhouse 0.1.10

A Ruby database driver for ClickHouse (also Clickhouse CLI and web GUI included)

690,427 ダウンロード数

engineyard-cloud-client 2.1.1

This gem connects to the EY Cloud API

680,492 ダウンロード数

sinatra-asset-pipeline 2.2.1

An asset pipeline implementation for Sinatra based on Sprockets with support for SASS, ...

673,574 ダウンロード数

riemann-tools 1.10.0

Collection of utilities which submit events to Riemann,

670,659 ダウンロード数

fake_sqs 0.4.3

Provides a fake SQS server that you can run locally to test against

642,580 ダウンロード数

wrest 4.0.1

Wrest is a fluent, easy-to-use, object oriented Ruby HTTP/REST client library with supp...

625,204 ダウンロード数

rbbt-rest 1.9.1

Basic web app controllers and templates

597,860 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 265,716,650

このバージョンのみ 1,990,564



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.7.8
