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Dependencias inversas para test_notifier La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren test_notifier

notifier 1.2.2

Send system notifications on several platforms with a simple and unified API. Currently...

217.022 Descargas

version_info 1.9.0

Easy way to get version label, bump the segments (major, minor, patch), and you can inc...

98.360 Descargas

minitest-utils 0.4.8

Some utilities for your Minitest day-to-day usage.

88.708 Descargas

billimatic-client 1.0.1

This is the official Ruby client for the Billimatic API. See

86.626 Descargas

rake-minify 0.4.0

A rake task to minify javascripts and coffeescripts

43.066 Descargas

nexaas-auditor 1.1.0

Common code for audit logs and statistcs tracking for Nexaas Rails apps, via ActiveSupp...

34.200 Descargas

ffnpdf 0.0.6

Scrapes a story off, converts it to Markdown, and turns it to PDF with LaTeX

18.168 Descargas

bookshelf 1.2.4

A framework that generates PDF and e-Pub from Markdown, and HTML files.

18.100 Descargas

tacape 0.0.6

A command-line tool that gathers some years of personal crafting.

8.804 Descargas

yauth 0.2.0

Yauth is a extremely simple authentication solution for prototipes, developed as a ward...

7.477 Descargas

SweetTea 0.0.6

SweetTea is a new language that can be compiled into javascript.

6.940 Descargas

autotest-doom 0.0.1

autotest plugin for showing bloody Doom grunt when specs are failing

5.823 Descargas

commentable 0.1.0

Add comment support for ActiveRecord models.

4.932 Descargas

lol_framework 0.1.0

Framework for frontend for developing RIAs. Using concepts of REST applications, primar...

3.774 Descargas

Total de descargas 231.937

Para esta versión 8.014



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
