RubyGems Navigation menu

thermite 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 thermite

faster_path 0.3.10

FasterPath is a reimplementation of Pathname for better performance.

85,437 下载

fast_woothee 1.6.4

Ruby bindings to woothee-rust

78,822 下载

sanscript 0.10.1

Ruby port and extension of Sanscript.js transliterator by

42,253 下载

case_transform-rust-extensions 0.4.0

Extraction of the key_transform abilities of ActiveModelSerializers

27,186 下载

rusty_json_schema 0.15.0

FFI wrapper around Rust library. Cur...

25,017 下载

tracklib 0.3.0

RWGPS tracklib ruby gem

14,089 下载

capbac 0.4.4

Ruby implementation for Capability-based Access Control model

12,395 下载

blake2b_rs 0.1.4

A ruby blake2b gem which using rust blake2 crate

9,635 下载

crust_json_encoder 0.0.7

CrustJSONEncoder is a JSON encoder for Ruby on Rails.

9,291 下载

trusted 0.4.0

Application server for Rack apps built with Rust

7,512 下载

tantiny 0.3.3

Tiny full-text search for Ruby powered by Tantivy.

7,034 下载

sterilize 0.4.0

A performant Rust based HTML sanitization library

6,735 下载

fast_priority_queue 0.1.2

A blazzingly fast implementation of priority queue using Rust + Ruru

6,199 下载

rusty_redic 0.2.1

A lightweight Redis Client, written in Rust, as minimal as Redic

4,064 下载

pythia 0.0.3

Password hardening using an oblivious-PRF service

3,929 下载

openalias 0.2.0

Wrapper around the OpenAlias rust implementation that allows to lookup and parse OpenAl...

3,385 下载

rdeunicode 0.1.1

Rdeunicode is wrapper around deunicode that bring that awesome crate to Ruby. Enjoy.

3,177 下载

rust_watcher 0.1.0

Ruby bindings for rsnotify, a cross-platform file watching utility written in Rust.

2,517 下载

tantiny-in-memory 1.0.8

Tiny full-text search for Ruby powered by Tantivy but in memory!

2,513 下载

rusty_csv 0.0.1

A rust based csv gem for ruby

2,332 下载

temporalio 0.1.1

An SDK for implementing workflows and activities in Ruby

2,324 下载

rusty_symbol 0.2.0

Symbol#start_with? and #end_with? methods implemented in Rust

2,235 下载

thermite-rails 0.2.0

Use thermite gems in Rails.

2,158 下载

slugrust 0.1.1

Ruby bindings to the "slugify" crate

1,922 下载

schnorrkel_rb 0.1.1

A Ruby wrapper to the Rust schnorrkel SR25519 signature library.

906 下载

cslrb 0.2.0

This gem provides a Ruby interface to the Cardano Serialization Lib by leveraging Rutie...

715 下载

下载总量 301,054

这个版本 238,689



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0.0
