RubyGems Navigation menu


act_as_importable 0.0.11

Helps import records from CSV files.

75.939 Descargas

act_as_interactor 0.9.0

Simple and powerful Ruby service objects using dry-rb tools.

2.238 Descargas

act_as_jsonapi 0.1.2

Act as JSONAPI is a small and flexible gem on top of `jsonapi_serializer`. By includi...

637 Descargas

act_as_menu 1.0.0

act_as_menu is ths first version

5.364 Descargas

act_as_nameable 0.0.3

Add full name methods on a model

27.064 Descargas

act_as_page_extractor 0.2.3

Library (Docsplit wrapper) for text extraction from pdf, doc/x, txt files with OpenOffice

20.693 Descargas

act_as_permission_controllable 0.1.0

Easily integrate cancancan into your application with permission control of every contr...

3.033 Descargas

act_as_pingback 0.1.1

A rails engine for publishing updates to

3.204 Descargas

act_as_releasable 0.0.5

Make your models work with a release candidate that must be approved

44.169 Descargas

act_as_scope 0.1.0

Helpful queries to include in your rails application

3.235 Descargas

act_as_serializable 0.0.1

This tool is useful for managing the array in a text column in any database (mysql, sql...

5.243 Descargas

act_as_sponsor 0.1.0

A rails engine to add sponsorhips

3.203 Descargas

act_as_time_as_boolean 1.0.1

Add time_as_boolean feature to ActiveRecord classes

62.443 Descargas

act_as_webhook 0.1.0

A rails engine for adding webhook publishing to your app. [Documentation](https://githu...

3.219 Descargas

act_blue_reporter 0.1.0

A Ruby gem to facilitate gathering contribution information fro...

12.167 Descargas

acter 0.2.0

Command line client for APIs described by JSON Schema

12.215 Descargas

act-fluent-logger-rails 0.6.4

Fluent logger

1.524.265 Descargas

act_form 0.4.4

The simple way to create form objects or command/service objects with ActiveModel.

17.158 Descargas

act-func 1.1.1


4.278 Descargas


Actic is a calendaring engine for Rails3, it combines an iCal interface with ORM. It ac...

99.875 Descargas

actie_smsc 0.0.1

This gem based on the ruby library described on:

3.357 Descargas

acting 0.0.4

Let your objects play an acting - just for a while

14.753 Descargas

action 0.0.0

Isolate Rails actions in their own classes.

5.835 Descargas

actionable 0.1.5

Better jobs. Good jobs.

67.762 Descargas

action_access 0.1.1

Easy and modular way to secure applications and handle permissions.

155.236 Descargas

action_admin 0.1.8

Ruby on Rails mountable engine to create admin interfaces.

20.701 Descargas

actionagent 0.0.0

ActionAgent provide a convenient way to create LLM agents in Ruby.

257 Descargas

action_alexa 0.1.2

Gem that helps process Amazon Alexa Intents with Rails

5.495 Descargas

action_annotation 1.0.1

This gem introduces means for describing the content of methods in a human readable way...

10.944 Descargas

action_args 2.7.3

Rails plugin gem that supports Merbish style controller action arguments.

1.425.763 Descargas