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avro_turf 1.15.0

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

8,860,438 下載

avro_turf_enchanced 0.7.4

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

5,448 下載

avro_utils 0.3.0

A gem to convert different data format to avro

8,282 下載

avro-wrapper 0.0.2

Wrapper for Avro

7,089 下載

avruby 0.5.1

An AVR emulator, in Ruby. This was written just for fun, to understand AVR.

1,680 下載

avrubykit 0.2

Ruby utility libraries

10,090 下載

avrupload 0.1.0

avrupload enforces certain TTY settings before uploading hex files using avrdude

2,480 下載

avs 0.0.8

A description of your project

958 下載

a_vs_an 0.1.0

Library to determine the indefinite article of words.

84,750 下載

avsd 0.0.3

Avsd recommends items based on input items.

5,993 下載

avski-common-utils 0.1.4

Centering my tools

7,803 下載

avst-cloud 0.1.42

Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers

71,059 下載

avst_multi_logger 0.0.3

Extends ruby logger, adds multiple sources and log summary

5,978 下載

avst-wizard 0.0.43


42,677 下載

avv2word 1.1.39

Convert avv to word docx document.

69,187 下載

avvo_api 0.2.1

An ActiveResource client to the Avvo API

18,157 下載

aw 0.2.1

Creates a sub-process to execute a block inside, and returns what it returns.

45,419 下載

awair 0.0.5

Publish Awair sensor data to mqtt

5,787 下載

awais_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby Palindrome Detector

2,504 下載

await 0.1.0

Implements the await/defer pattern for event-driven or asynchronous Ruby

5,152 下載

awaiter 0.1.0

The wrapper for Threads like a async/await in C#

2,512 下載

await_rb 0.2.0

Simply Ruby gem to execute tasks once a service has started.

2,343 下載

awallis-ri_cal 0.8.8

A new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendar. The existing Ruby iCalendar libraries ...

8,533 下載

awardflair 0.0.4

Award flair (badges) to users of your app using the PickFlair service.

15,900 下載

awat 0.0.1

Awat - Automated Web Application Testing

5,848 下載

aw_datapipe 0.3.1

Unofficial domain specific ruby wrapper for the AWS SDK Data Pipeline API.

16,087 下載

awdwr_4th_juli 0.0.0

Script to download all images

4,240 下載

awe 0.0.0

Write a gem description

4,947 下載

aweber 1.6.1

Ruby interface to AWeber's API

520,398 下載

awein 0.0.2

Just a few useful extensions

3,792 下載