RubyGems Navigation menu


appmarketapi-rest 0.0.1

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

2,369 下載

appmath 0.0.1

Arbitrary precision mathematics with application to real and complex linear algebra, gr...

6,034 下載

app-mgr 0.4.0

Runs 1 or more headless apps from a kind of XML file for use in a back-end server

85,712 下載

app_mode 1.0.3

AppMode provides state management for modules, classes, libraries, and applications. It...

36,600 下載

appmodel 0.1.2

Simple, scalable pageObject design and modeling.

9,819 下載

app_monit 0.0.11

Client gem for pushing events from ruby to the service

50,720 下載

appmonitor 0.0.17

AppMonitor agent for ruby language

21,505 下載

appmonitor-ruby 0.0.113

AppmMonitor agent for ruby language

12,932 下載

app_monit_rails 0.1.0

Client gem for pushing events from ruby to the service

23,554 下載

appmospheres_audit 0.1.2

A gem for tracking record changes and controller actions

5,408 下載

app_name_header 0.2.0

To set the X-App-Name http header

20,029 下載


The AppNeta gem really doesn't do anything yet.

3,604 下載

appnexusapi 1.1.0

Unofficial Ruby API Wrapper for Appnexus

53,252 下載

appodeal_id_client 0.1.3

Find or create distributed ID

2,602 下載

appointment-calculator 0.0.1

Appointment-Calculator gem takes in an object of services, each object has different du...

4,605 下載

appointments 1.3.3

Schedule appointments with Rails 3 and the jQuery-UI

539,104 下載

appolo 2.0.3

Ruby gem that provides quick and easy access to the web api of Thoth WebApp - ...

18,892 下載

appom 1.4.0

Appom gives you a simple, clean and semantic for describing your application. Appom imp...

56,362 下載

appops-client 0.0.5

Client interface with AppOps service.

7,255 下載

appoptics-api-ruby 2.1.4

An easy to use ruby wrapper for the AppOptics API

18,966 下載

appoptics_apm 4.13.0

Automatic tracing and metrics for Ruby applications. Get started at @App...

923,389 下載

appoptics_apm_mnfst 4.5.2

Automatic tracing and metrics for Ruby applications. Get started at @App...

2,183 下載

appoptics-apm-ruby 9001.0

This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...

2,551 下載

apportion 0.0.2

Ruby implementation for apportionment

5,685 下載

apposs_ldap_adapter 0.1.0

A LDAP adapter for apposs.

3,918 下載

appoxy_api 0.0.12

Appoxy API Helper gem description...

65,465 下載

appoxy-aws 1.11.35

AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services.

59,291 下載

appoxy-http_connection 1.3.0

HTTP helper library

3,988 下載

appoxy-local_cache 1.1.2

Similar to Rails' built in MemoryStore, but adds size limit and expiration.

10,110 下載

appoxy-nettica 0.3.4

A ruby client for managing nettica bulk-dns entries using the Nettica SOAP API - This f...

20,981 下載