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fluentd 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fluentd

fluent-plugin-multiprocess 0.2.2

Multiprocess agent plugin for Fluentd event collector

570,803 下載

fluent-plugin-papertrail 0.2.8

Remote Syslog Output Fluentd plugin for papertrail

565,637 下載

fluent-plugin-http-healthcheck 0.1.0

fluentd plug-in for HTTP Health Check

553,978 下載

fluent-plugin-statsd 1.0.3

fluentd output plugin to send metrics to Esty StatsD monitor

545,231 下載

fluent-plugin-dstat 1.0.0

Dstat Input plugin for Fluent event collector

514,171 下載

fluent-plugin-azure-storage-append-blob 0.2.1

Fluentd plugin to upload logs to Azure Storage append blobs.

510,871 下載

fluent-plugin-kubernetes-objects 1.2.3

A Fluentd input plugin for collecting Kubernetes objects, e.g. pods, namespaces, events...

500,738 下載

fluent-plugin-record_splitter 0.2.1

output split array plugin for fluentd

492,469 下載

fluent-plugin-mutate_filter 1.0.7

A mutate filter for Fluent which functions like Logstash.

469,169 下載

fluent-plugin-ping-message 1.0.0

for heartbeat monitoring of Fluentd processes

462,877 下載

fluent-plugin-gcs 0.4.4

Google Cloud Storage output plugin for Fluentd

459,626 下載


FlyData Agent

454,426 下載

fluent-plugin-td 1.2.0

Treasure Data Cloud Data Service plugin for Fluentd

446,791 下載

fluent-plugin-fields-parser 0.1.2

Fluent output filter plugin for parsing key/value fields in records

444,506 下載

fluent-plugin-dogstatsd 0.0.6

Fluent plugin for Dogstatsd, that is statsd server for Datadog.

425,015 下載

fluent-plugin-numeric-monitor 1.0.3

Fluentd plugin to calculate min/max/avg/Xpercentile values, and emit these data as message

416,767 下載

fluent-plugin-tail-multiline 0.1.5

Extend tail plugin to support log with multiple line

409,459 下載

fluent-plugin-genhashvalue 1.1

generate hash(md5/sha1/sha256/sha512) value

401,576 下載

fluent-plugin-filter 0.1.0

Simple output filter

399,177 下載

fluent-plugin-rewrite 0.1.1

Fluentd plugin to rewrite tags/values along with pattern matching and re-emit them.

383,251 下載

fluent-plugin-buffer-lightening 0.0.2

Fluentd memory buffer plugin with many types of chunk limits

359,498 下載

fluent-plugin-docker_metadata_filter 0.1.3

Filter plugin to add Docker metadata

358,578 下載

fluent-plugin-loki 0.3.0

A Fluentd output plugin to send logs to Grafana Loki

348,405 下載

fluent-mixin-plaintextformatter 0.2.6

included to format values into json, tsv or csv

341,218 下載

fluent-plugin-reemit 0.3.2

Fluentd plugin to re-emit messages avoiding infinity match loop

332,365 下載

fluent-plugin-teams 1.1.0

fluentd output plugin for post to teams

328,961 下載

fluent-plugin-influxdb 2.0.0

InfluxDB output plugin for Fluentd

327,854 下載

fluent-plugin-barito 0.3.5

This gem will forward output from fluentd to Barito-Flow

322,275 下載

fluent-plugin-fields-autotype 0.1.1

Fluent output filter plugin for parsing key/value fields in records. Automatically dete...

310,383 下載

fluent-plugin-postgres 0.1.0

fluent plugin to insert on PostgreSQL

289,336 下載

總下載次數 48,363,889

這個版本 465,939



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
