RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for httparty Latest version of the following gems require httparty

gitlab 4.19.0

Ruby client and CLI for GitLab API

53,618,664 下載

gitlab-labkit 0.36.0

Instrumentation for GitLab

35,909,853 下載

exception_notification 4.5.0

Exception notification for Rails apps

17,639,625 下載

flowdock 0.7.1

Ruby Gem for using Flowdock's API

17,099,439 下載

hipchat 1.6.0

Ruby library to interact with HipChat

13,792,366 下載

pronto 0.11.2

Pronto runs analysis quickly by checking only the relevant changes. Created to be u...

10,985,394 下載

gitlab-triage 1.42.2

GitLab triage automation project.

9,985,395 下載

shopify_api 14.3.0

This gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access the admin section of Shopify...

7,864,433 下載

rack-livereload 0.6.0

Insert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware

7,684,981 下載

hubspot-ruby 0.9.0

hubspot-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

7,509,893 下載

telephone_number 1.4.21

Phone number validation

7,447,182 下載

httmultiparty 0.3.16

HTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.

7,131,062 下載

datadog_api_client 2.22.0

Collection of all Datadog Public API endpoints.

7,077,681 下載

google_places 2.0.0

This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API for use in your own proje...

3,749,563 下載

sift 4.4.0

Sift Science Ruby API. Please see for more details.

3,655,107 下載

cronitor 5.2.0

An interface for the Cronitor API

3,475,385 下載

bot_framework 0.1.0

Unofficial ruby client for microsoft botframework

3,445,186 下載

pact_broker-client 1.75.1

Client for the Pact Broker. Publish, retrieve and query pacts and verification results....

2,837,461 下載

createsend 6.1.0

Implements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API.

2,732,917 下載

gcm 0.1.1

gcm is a service that helps developers send data from servers to their Android applicat...

2,689,856 下載

caboose-cms 1.0.2

CMS built on rails with love.

2,634,722 下載

dnsimple 9.0.0

The DNSimple API client for Ruby.

2,349,159 下載

slackiq 1.1.4

Slackiq (by MightySignal) integrates Slack and Sidekiq so that you can have vital infor...

2,141,683 下載

opentok 4.9.0

OpenTok is an API from TokBox that enables websites to weave live group video communica...

2,017,009 下載

raygun4ruby 3.2.6

Ruby Adapter for Raygun

1,984,146 下載

forest_liana 9.3.3

Forest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. forest_liana...

1,739,774 下載

gergich 2.1.4

Gergich is a little command-line tool for wiring up linters to Gerrit so you can get ni...

1,636,885 下載

blockscore 4.2.1

BlockScore makes ID verification easier and faster. See for more.

1,319,077 下載

persistent_httparty 0.1.2

Persistent HTTP connections for HTTParty using the persistent_http gem. Keep the party ...

1,252,625 下載

fedex 3.10.11

Provides an interface to Fedex Web Services

1,152,379 下載

總下載次數 294,409,469

這個版本 46,917,703



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3.0
