RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para i18n La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren i18n

indefinite_article 0.2.5

Adds indefinite article methods to String and Symbol

4.551.489 Descargas

turnout 2.5.0

Turnout makes it easy to put your Rails application into maintenance mode

4.415.318 Descargas

dotiw 5.3.3

dotiw is a gem for Rails that overrides the default distance_of_time_in_w...

3.627.204 Descargas

routing-filter 0.7.0

Routing filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...

3.302.576 Descargas

mobility 1.2.9

Stores and retrieves localized data through attributes on a Ruby class, with flexible s...

3.236.673 Descargas

action_policy 0.6.9

Authorization framework for Ruby/Rails application

3.053.117 Descargas

chemlab 0.11.1

Automation framework built by GitLab, for the world.

2.672.277 Descargas

vagrant-vbguest 0.32.0

A Vagrant plugin which automatically installs the host's VirtualBox Guest Additions on ...

2.497.144 Descargas

i18n-active_record 1.3.0

I18n ActiveRecord backend. Allows to store translations in a database using ActiveRecor...

2.415.981 Descargas

i18n-country-translations 1.4.1

The purpose of this gem is to simply provide country translations. The gem is intended ...

2.377.163 Descargas

xeroizer 3.0.1

Ruby library for the Xero accounting API. Originally developed by Wayne Robinson, now ...

2.211.041 Descargas

lita 4.8.0

ChatOps for Ruby.

2.137.744 Descargas

arvados 2.7.2

Arvados client library, git commit 3bd0d1f3d3274630991682aaa417987f836aaa64

2.047.957 Descargas

russian 0.6.0

Russian language support for Ruby and Rails

2.010.319 Descargas

offsite_payments 2.7.28

Offsite Payments is a simple abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It i...

1.984.826 Descargas

resque-loner 1.3.0

Makes sure that for special jobs, there can be only one job with the same workload in o...

1.941.145 Descargas

ibandit 1.20.0

Ibandit is a Ruby library for manipulating and validating IBANs. It allows you to const...

1.913.892 Descargas

run_loop 4.9.1

The bridge between Calabash iOS and Xcode command-line tools like instruments and simctl.

1.822.797 Descargas

validates_lengths_from_database 0.8.0

Introspects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...

1.675.960 Descargas

grape-rabl 0.5.0

Use rabl in grape

1.604.813 Descargas

symbolize 4.5.2

ActiveRecord/Mongoid enums with i18n

1.595.001 Descargas

methadone 2.0.2

Methadone provides a lot of small but useful features for developing a command-line app...

1.588.506 Descargas

gemcutter 0.7.1

Provides the `gem yank` and `gem webhook` commands to RubyGems.

1.541.437 Descargas

bcp47 0.3.3

A subset of the BCP47 spec implemented in ruby

1.506.945 Descargas

recurrence 1.3.0

A simple library to handle recurring events

1.427.658 Descargas

action_policy-graphql 0.5.4

Action Policy integration for GraphQL-Ruby

1.375.283 Descargas

google_contacts_api 0.7.1

Lets you read from the Google Contacts API. Posting to come later.

1.334.821 Descargas

formulaic 0.4.1

Removes the tedium of formulaic form filling with Capybara by allowing you to speci...

1.331.648 Descargas

blacklight 8.1.0

Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...

1.326.269 Descargas

i18n-recursive-lookup 0.0.5

Provides a backend to the i18n gem to allow a definition to contain embedded references...

1.218.066 Descargas

Total de descargas 918.730.783

Para esta versión 1.213.363



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.3.0

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.3.5
