RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour juwelier Latest version of the following gems require juwelier

agra_api 0.3.5

Agra is a distributed petitions platform, this is a gem for talking to it's API

27 116 Téléchargements

capistrano-monit_runit 3.1.3

Helpers for capistrano recipes using runit/monit.

26 719 Téléchargements

sidekiq_metered_exceptions 0.4.2

Some exceptions are transient, so notifying an admin is not useful.

26 075 Téléchargements

i18n-coverage 0.2.0

Provides a coverage of I18n keys used during test suite

25 938 Téléchargements

ruby-plsql-spec 0.5.0

ruby-plsql-spec is Oracle PL/SQL unit testing framework which is built using Ruby progr...

25 889 Téléchargements

elastic-backup-2s3 1.0.2

I simply want to be able to control the backup and restoration of the Elasticsearch c...

25 794 Téléchargements

rds-rotate-db-snapshots 1.0.0

Provides a simple way to rotate RDS DB snapshots with configurable retention periods.

24 342 Téléchargements

mrdialog 1.0.6

A ruby gem for ncurses dialog program. This gem is based on rdialog (http://rdial...

24 306 Téléchargements

mobilize-america-client 0.5.1

Client gem for the MobilizeAmerica API

24 271 Téléchargements

seed_reaper 0.0.14

Traverses active record relations given a config and writes seeds to a specified location.

24 206 Téléchargements

sidekiq_utils 2.0.1

Tools that make working with a major Sidekiq installation more fun.

23 700 Téléchargements

rspec-tapas 0.2.1

A selection of small rSpec extensions

23 176 Téléchargements

nation_builder 0.0.17

Ruby wrapper for NationBuilder API

22 448 Téléchargements

friendly_id-method_scopes 0.3.7

FriendlyId Extension to allow method scopes, in addition to column and relationship sco...

21 926 Téléchargements

rake-tui 0.2.3

Rake Text-based User Interface

21 216 Téléchargements

works_cited 0.1.16

Works cited allows you to add a list of the works cited in ActiveRecord objects, to be ...

21 127 Téléchargements

sugar_png 0.5.5

a syntax sugar of PNG manipulation

19 936 Téléchargements

afip_wsfe 0.2.7

Wrapper para usar web service de factura electrónica de AFIP

19 633 Téléchargements

cryptopunks-gui 0.0.15

CryptoPunks GUI for Simplified Minting - Built with Glimmer DSL for Tk (requires Active...

18 524 Téléchargements

inkscape_merge 0.3.0

Script to merge SVG files with CSV data-files using Inkscape, to produce one outputfi...

18 349 Téléchargements

gtfs_engine 2.1.0

A Rails Engine to provide a basic RESTful interface for GTFS feeds. GTFS Spec: https://...

18 153 Téléchargements

queue_ding 0.1.6

This roughly mirrors the functionaly of Queue in allowing you to queue messages to on...

17 384 Téléchargements

bibmarkdown 2.0.0

Markdown with BibTeX citations.

17 214 Téléchargements

date_book 0.1.4

Rails 5 Engine to give users their own calendars of events.

16 929 Téléchargements

imap-filter 0.1.6

imap-filter is a Ruby implementation of an IMAP filtering application. it can handle ...

16 787 Téléchargements

dining-table 1.1.3

Easily output tabular data, be it in HTML, CSV or XLSX. Create clean table classes inst...

16 625 Téléchargements

upland_mobile_commons_rest 0.3.1

A simple ruby API client gem for the Upland Mobile Commons REST API

15 639 Téléchargements

universal-git-client 2.1.0

Use this gem to normalize git providers api responses

15 633 Téléchargements

flinks 0.5.2

Flinks financial services API client

15 516 Téléchargements

campact_user_service 4.1.1

Ruby wrapper for Campact User Service

15 377 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 83 747

Pour cette version 26 164



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.2.2
