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luna-rspec-formatters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 luna-rspec-formatters

jekyll-assets 3.0.12

A drop-in Jekyll Plugin that provides an asset pipeline for JavaScript, CSS, SASS, SCSS...

2,117,856 下载

liquid-tag-parser 2.0.2

Parse liquid tags easily

522,036 下载

jekyll-sanity 1.6.0

Patches to make Jekyll less insane and easier

452,562 下载

content-pipeline 2.2.1

A less restrictive version of html-pipeline for content.

66,069 下载

pry-vterm_aliases 1.3.0

Enable your Bash and ZSH alises in Pry shell.

50,492 下载

rspec-active_record_mocks 1.2.1

Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code.

32,555 下载

active_record_mocks 1.2.1

Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code.

21,958 下载

jekyll-tilt 1.0.5

Preprocess your templates with Tilt

9,855 下载

jekyll-incremental 1.1.0

A rewritten version of Incremental regeneration

8,599 下载

rack-simple_csrf 1.3.0

A simpler CSRF middleware for Rack.

7,800 下载

jekyll-cache 1.2.0

Caching for Jekyll

7,687 下载

mimetype 1.3.0

A fast, modern, and up-to-date MimeType library.

6,774 下载

jekyll-post-tags 1.1.1

Reusable Post Tags for Jekyll

5,477 下载

bunto-assets 2.0.0

A Bunto plugin, that allows you to write javascript/css assets in other languages s...

4,811 下载

jekyll-log-wrapper 1.0.0

A wrapper to make Jekyll's logger compliant

2,787 下载

liquid-string-drop 1.0.0

A drop that can be a string too

2,437 下载

jekyll-posts_by_year 1.0.0

Patches to make Jekyll less insane and easier

2,358 下载

jekyll-faker 1.0.0

Provides mock content for your Jekyll prototypes when building a site, through the Fake...

2,355 下载

liquid-hash-or-array-drop 1.0.0

A drop that wraps hashes and arrays.

2,342 下载

下载总量 116,361

这个版本 4,080



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
