RubyGems Navigation menu

mini_mime 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mini_mime

mail 2.8.1

A really Ruby Mail handler.

502,492,219 下载

httparty 0.22.0

Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.

295,924,843 下载

capybara 3.40.0

Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...

228,522,838 下载

google-apis-core 0.14.1

Common utility and base classes for legacy Google REST clients

127,639,220 下载

google-cloud-storage 1.51.0

google-cloud-storage is the official library for Google Cloud Storage.

125,319,981 下载

cucumber 9.2.0

Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy

73,726,654 下载

zendesk_api 3.0.5

Ruby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at https://deve...

33,533,719 下载

github-linguist 7.29.0

We use this library at GitHub to detect blob languages, highlight code, ignore binary f...

15,268,096 下载

google-cloud-bigquery 1.49.0

google-cloud-bigquery is the official library for Google BigQuery.

14,116,304 下载

shrine 3.6.0

Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. It supports uploading, d...

10,141,508 下载

file_validators 3.0.0

Adds file validators to ActiveModel

6,756,506 下载

filestack 3.0.0

This is the official Ruby SDK for Filestack - API and content management system that ma...

1,982,042 下载

tracker_api 1.15.0

This gem allows you to easily use the Pivotal Tracker v5 API.

1,111,241 下载

jets 5.0.13

Jets is a framework that allows you to create serverless applications with a beautiful ...

642,586 下载


Read text and metadata from files and documents using Apache Tika toolkit

214,284 下载

pakyow-core 1.0.6

Core functionality for Pakyow

67,308 下载

allure-report-publisher 3.2.1

Upload allure reports to different file storage providers

56,339 下载

kithe 2.13.0

Shareable tools/components for building a digital collections app in Rails.

35,217 下载

pakyow-assets 1.0.6

Asset pipeline for Pakyow

26,873 下载

bankrupt 3.0.0

Load files from local disk or from a CDN in production.

20,091 下载

simple_attribute 0.1.7

Attribute decorator support for ActiveRecord models.

13,075 下载

awshark 1.6.0

Custom CLI for for AWS to simplify common tasks with EC2, S3 and Cloud Formation

8,322 下载

mimetype 1.3.0

A fast, modern, and up-to-date MimeType library.

6,766 下载

checking-you-out 0.7.0

File type identification library.

1,999 下载

s3-website-deploy 0.1.0

S3 Website deploy tool.

1,964 下载

vellum_ai 0.3.15

The Vellum Ruby Library provides access to the Vellum API from Ruby.

1,937 下载

bld 0.1.11

CLI for

1,847 下载

llm_lib 0.2.1

Gem to invoke API calls to Huggingface and Openai LLMs

1,465 下载

kanal-interfaces-pachka 0.1.2

Use this interface with your Kanal to create bot for Pachka messenger

1,041 下载

merge_ruby_client 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

591 下载

下载总量 493,945,729

这个版本 52,205,535



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6.0
