RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para simplecov-json La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren simplecov-json

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4.230.507 Descargas

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4.230.507 Descargas

rspec-sonarqube-formatter 1.5.0

Generates an XML report that the SonarQube Generic Test Data parser can understand

656.043 Descargas

active_campaign 0.1.16

A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API

504.981 Descargas

corundum 0.6.3

A corundum is a synthetic gemstone - including synthetic rubies. Ergo: a tool for sy...

156.049 Descargas

sapience 3.0

Hasslefree autoconfiguration for logging, metrics and exception collection.

136.777 Descargas

peatio 3.1.1

Peatio gem contains microservices and command line tools

128.535 Descargas

ci_toolkit 1.6.4

Set of tools making it easier to interact between Github PRs and Bitrise CI

84.251 Descargas

inst_access 0.4.2

Generation, parsing, and validation of Instructure access tokens

71.773 Descargas

fauna 3.0.0

Ruby driver for FaunaDB.

63.732 Descargas

nmea_plus 1.0.25

A pure-ruby parser and decoder toolkit for NMEA messages (GPS, AIS, and other similar f...

62.031 Descargas

reevoo_sapience 3.0

Centralizd sapience configuration for Reevoo Ltd. See for more information

48.837 Descargas

stf-client 0.3.0

Request devices from Smartphone Test Farm for adb connection

38.991 Descargas

irix 2.6.0

Irix is implementing several crypto-exchange for Arke and Peatio.

38.176 Descargas

rb-net_http-client 1.6.0

A Simple Ruby HTTP Client built on top of the Ruby Net HTTP standard library.

33.049 Descargas

quinoa 0.0.13

Quinoa is a light and nutritive framework that allows automate service level tests usin...

25.872 Descargas

evil_events 0.5.0

Ultra simple, but very flexible and fully customizable event subsystem for ruby applica...

24.459 Descargas

bigid_bgcheck 1.1.0

A library to use BigData Corps background check features

22.383 Descargas

danger-rcov 3.0.0

Plugin that allows code coverage print

22.024 Descargas

eventception 0.1.0

A lightweight and simple Ruby Event System inspired on Symfony Event Dispatcher.

21.296 Descargas

archimate 2.2.1

A collection of tools for working with ArchiMate files from Archi

19.201 Descargas

qat-devel 9.0.0

QAT Devel is a tool for executing common tasks in the development of QAT modules: -...

17.554 Descargas

circle_ci_wrapper 0.0.6

CircleCI API wrapper

17.073 Descargas

stub_requests 0.1.11

An abstraction on top of WebMock to build stubbed HTTP requests

16.900 Descargas

sleeping_king_studios-tasks 0.4.1

Toolkit providing an encapsulation layer around the Thor CLI library, with predefined t...

16.749 Descargas

skalera-services 0.2.5

Helper gem to handle services in consul.

15.885 Descargas

simplecov-shield-json 1.0.1

{Shield JSON formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+}

15.670 Descargas

reload-attribute 0.2.0

Provides ActiveRecord instances with a method to re-fetch specific attributes from the ...

14.100 Descargas

leipreachan 1.1.2

Backup and restore your database as simple as posible.

12.751 Descargas

prism_qa 0.2.2

Prism helps you split your apps and your design document into visible components. Its ...

11.864 Descargas

Total de descargas 13.403.927

Para esta versión 7.927.847



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
