RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para zookeeper La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren zookeeper

zk 1.10.0

A high-level wrapper around the zookeeper driver

3.578.698 Descargas

sensu-plugins-zookeeper 3.1.0

Zookeeper plugins for checks and metrics

165.253 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kafka-enchanced 0.5.35

Fluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8

60.828 Descargas

kazoo-ruby 0.5.7

Library to access and manipulate Kafka metadata in Zookeeper

55.444 Descargas

sensu-plugins-kafka 0.12.2

Non Community Sensu plugins for Kafka

49.326 Descargas

varnish_rest_api 0.0.15

A restful http api for setting backend health, banning cache objects and getting status...

26.234 Descargas

redis_ring_client 0.1.2

The client counterpart to the RedisRing gem.

22.598 Descargas

cache_service 1.1.0

A gem for cache facility

20.300 Descargas

redis_ring 0.1.3

RedisRing is a solution to run multiple small Redis instances intead of a single large ...

19.514 Descargas

zk_client 0.5.3

This gem allows quick and simple access to a Zookeeper server.

16.191 Descargas

hiera-zookeeper 0.1.3

A ZooKeeper backend for Hiera.

13.926 Descargas

hiera_zookeeper 0.2.3

A backend plugin to Hiera to enable it to reference data from Zookeeper.

13.535 Descargas

newrelic-zookeeper 1.0.0

ZooKeeper instrumentation for New Relic.

12.772 Descargas

varnish_rest_api_client 0.0.4

A command line client for the varnish rest api.

9.497 Descargas

fluent-plugin-zookeeper 0.1.2

Fluentd plugin for Apache Zookeeper

8.891 Descargas

singularity_task_history 0.1.2

Sensu check for singularity task history

7.063 Descargas

librato-storm-kafka 0.0.2

Collects metrics from a storm-kafka setup and publishes them to Librato

6.928 Descargas

sensu-plugins-kafka2 0.0.1

Sensu kafka plugins

4.483 Descargas

zk_service 0.0.1

This is a small library which provides a service registry for Zookeeper.

4.204 Descargas

zoology 0.1

Zookeeper utilities and recipes

3.971 Descargas

proxymgr 0.1

Manages Haproxy configuration dynamically

3.700 Descargas

fluent-plugin-ruby-kafka 0.1.0

Kafka's produce fluentd plugin by ruby-kafka

2.883 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kafka-zendesk 0.1.4

Fluentd plugin for Apache Kafka > 0.8

2.859 Descargas

shatter-rb 0.1.1

An async first RPC web app server for Ruby

1.365 Descargas

Total de descargas 10.323.261

Para esta versión 268.974



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
