RubyGems Navigation menu


autoseed 0.1.0

Description of Autoseed.

2,731 下载

auto-seeding 0.1.5

A component to auto generate seed data with ActiveRecord using a set of predefined or c...

8,305 下载

auto_select2 0.7.0

Gem provide scripts and helpers for initialize different select2 elements: static, ...

56,559 下载

auto_select2_tag 0.2.2

Provide tag-helper methods for create Select2 elements by the same way as any other ele...

22,097 下载

autosel_http_proxy 0.0.5

Auto select http_proxy setting with a config file

15,280 下载

autoserialize 0.1.0

Autoserialize AR attributes, dont use this. It's old

8,764 下载

auto_serializer 0.0.1

Serialize object by class/method name and (constructor) arguments.

3,482 下载

auto_service_cli 0.1.2

This CLI allows you to find auto service centers near desired zip code, sort them, and ...

4,568 下载

auto-session-timeout 1.1

Automatic session timeout in Rails

725,627 下载

auto-session-timeout-kayleiburke 0.9.4

Provides automatic session timeout in a Rails application. Forked from

2,578 下载

auto-session-timeout-warning 1.1.0

jQuery automatic session timeout warning in a Rails application.

27,789 下载

auto_set 1.2.1

Automatically update a column from a relationship

6,413 下载

autosftp 0.0.6

"sftp automatically"

13,163 下载


A example gem for automation team

6,815 下载

autoshell 1.0.6

Library for automating shell tasks in Autotune

15,512 下载

autosiege 0.0.2

A ruby CLI wrapper to siege

9,571 下载

autosign 1.0.1

Tooling to make puppet autosigning easy, secure, and extensible

55,209 下载


Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit ...

151,291 下载

autosize-rails 1.18.17

Rails asset pipeline wrapper around jQuery Autosize:

413,274 下载

auto-space 0.0.4


19,352 下载

autospec 0.0.3

Helper to build test automation framework with rspec and capybara

6,436 下载

auto_specs 0.0.1.alpha.2

Don't Write Specs Yourself.

6,631 下载

autospec.watchr 0.0.6

Intelligently runs your specs as you edit files.

19,576 下载

auto_sprite 1.1.3

CSS Sprites can get you down, don't let them. This gem automatically creates the CSS, ...

34,235 下载

auto_sql_formatter 0.1.2

Format and rewrite sqls by dir unit

6,773 下载

autossh 0.0.10

An SSH connection helper

22,828 下载

autostacker24 2.9.0

AutoStacker24 is a small ruby gem for managing AWS CloudFormation stacks. It is a thin ...

1,390,661 下载

autostats 0.2.0

Scrapes data from to get all relevant information specific to a car based...

9,389 下载

autostrip 1.0.4

Automatically strip leading and trailing whitespace

9,230 下载

auto_strip_attributes 2.6.0

AutoStripAttributes helps to remove unnecessary whitespaces from ActiveRecord or Active...

6,005,595 下载