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lazylead 0.13.0

Ticketing systems (Github, Jira, etc.) are strongly integrated into our processes and everyone understands their necessity. As soon as a developer becomes a lead/technical manager, he or she faces a set of routine tasks that are related to ticketing work. On large projects this becomes a problem, more and more you spend time running around on dashboards and tickets, looking for incorrect deviations in tickets and performing routine tasks instead of solving technical problems.

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  1. 0.13.0 - August 13, 2023 (184 KB)
  2. 0.12.0 - January 17, 2022 (182 KB)
  3. 0.11.4 - October 03, 2021 (181 KB)
  4. 0.11.3 - September 19, 2021 (181 KB)
  5. 0.11.2 - September 15, 2021 (180 KB)
Show all versions (40 total)

Runtime Dependencies (26):

activerecord = 6.1.3
backtrace = 0.3
colorize = 0.8.1
faraday = 2.3.0
get_process_mem = 0.2.7
inifile = 3.0.0
jira-ruby = 2.2.0
json = 2.6.2
logging = 2.3.1
mail = 2.7.1
memory_profiler = 1.0.0
nokogiri = 1.11.3
openssl = 2.1.2
railties = 6.1.3
require_all = 3.0.0
rubyzip = 2.3.2
rufus-scheduler = 3.9.1
slop = 4.9.2
sqlite3 = 1.4.4
tempfile = 0.1.2
tilt = 2.0.10
tzinfo = 2.0.4
tzinfo-data = 1.2022.1
vcs4sql = 0.1.1
viewpoint = 1.1.1
zaru = 0.3.0

Development Dependencies (19):

codecov = 0.6.0
guard = 2.18.0
guard-minitest = 2.4.6
minitest = 5.19.0
minitest-hooks = 1.5.0
net-ping = 2.0.8
rake = 13.0.6
random-port = 0.5.1
rdoc = 6.4.0
rubocop = 1.50.2
rubocop-minitest = 0.20.1
rubocop-rake = 0.6.0
rubocop-rspec = 2.11.1
ruby-prof = 1.4.3
sqlint = 0.2.1
tempfile = 0.1.2


Pushed by:


  • Yurii Dubinka

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 58,117

For this version 427



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.6.5
