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lcms-engine 0.1.2

Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems

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  1. 0.5.5 - December 24, 2023 (3.64 MB)
  2. 0.5.4 - December 30, 2022 (3.64 MB)
  3. 0.5.3 - December 13, 2022 (3.63 MB)
  4. 0.5.2 - December 13, 2022 (3.63 MB)
  5. 0.5.1 - October 25, 2022 (3.63 MB)
  6. 0.1.2 - April 23, 2020 (7.92 MB)
Show all versions (17 total)

Runtime Dependencies (80):

activejob-retry ~> 0.6.3
acts_as_list ~> 0.9.10
addressable ~> 2.5.1
airbrake ~> 10
aws-sdk-rails ~> 1.0
bitly ~> 1.0
bootstrap-sass ~> 3.4.1
bullet ~> 5.7.3
carrierwave ~> 1.0
ckeditor ~> 4
coffee-rails ~> 4.1.1
combine_pdf ~> 1.0.15
daemons ~> 1.2, >= 1.2.3
devise ~> 4
fog-aws ~> 2.0
foreman ~> 0.78.0
foundation-rails ~> 6.2.1
heap ~> 1.0
hiredis ~> 0.6
httparty ~> 0.16
jbuilder ~> 2.0
jquery-rails ~> 4.3
js-routes ~> 1.1.2
lt-google-api ~> 0.1
lt-lcms ~> 0.2
migration_data ~> 0.2.1
mini_magick ~> 4.9, >= 4.9.4
nested_form ~> 0.3
newrelic_rpm ~> 6.9
nikkou ~> 0.0.5
nokogiri ~> 1.10, >= 1.10.4
oj ~> 3
oj_mimic_json ~> 1.0.1
pandoc-ruby ~> 2.0.1
pg = 0.20
pg_search ~> 2.1
postgres_ext ~> 3.0
rails ~> 4.2.11
ransack ~> 1.7.0
react-rails ~> 2.6.0
readthis ~> 2
redis < 4
resque ~> 2
rest-client ~> 1.8
ruby-progressbar ~> 1.7, >= 1.7.5
rubyzip ~> 2
sanitize ~> 5.0
sass-rails ~> 5.0
simple_form ~> 3.5
staccato ~> 0.4.7
thor = 0.19.1
truncate_html ~> 0.9.3
turbolinks ~> 5.1.0
uglifier ~> 3.0, >= 3.0.4
validate_url ~> 1.0
virtus ~> 1.0.5
will_paginate ~> 3.0.7
rails-assets-classnames ~> 2.2.3
rails-assets-es6-promise ~> 3.1.2
rails-assets-selectize ~> 0.12.1
rails-assets-lodash ~> 4.17.11
rails-assets-knockout ~> 3.3.0
rails-assets-jstree ~> 3.3.4
rails-assets-fetch ~> 0.11.0
rails-assets-eventemitter3 ~> 1.2.0

Development Dependencies (25):

dotenv-rails ~> 2.2
email_spec ~> 2.1
faker ~> 2.1
guard-livereload ~> 2.5, >= 2.5.2
mailcatcher ~> 0.7
overcommit ~> 0.49.1
pry-byebug ~> 3.7
pry-rails ~> 0.3.5
puma ~> 3
quiet_assets ~> 1.1
rack-livereload ~> 0.3.16
rspec-rails ~> 3.8
rubocop ~> 0.59.2
safe_attributes ~> 1.0.10
sdoc ~> 0.4.0
seedbank ~> 0.3
selenium-webdriver ~> 3.142, >= 3.142.7
spring ~> 2.1
traceroute ~> 0.8
webpacker ~> 4.0.6


Pushed by:


  • Alexander Kuznetsov, Abraham Sánchez, Rômulo Saksida

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 15,144

For this version 1,463



Required Ruby Version: >= 2.5

New versions require MFA: true
