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puppet-lintの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はpuppet-lintを必要としています

puppet-lint-lookup_in_parameter-check 2.0.0

Check lookup is not used in parameters

439,124 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-optional_default-check 2.0.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check that Optional class/defined type parameters don't default...

430,603 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-file_source_rights-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check file rights when providing a source.

406,498 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-no_symbolic_file_modes-check 1.0.2

Extends puppet-lint to ensure all file resource modes are defined as octal values a...

402,896 ダウンロード数

simp-rake-helpers 5.21.0

"simp-rake-helpers provides common methods for SIMP Rake Tasks"

388,112 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-template_file_extension-check 0.1.3

Extends puppet-lint to ensure all filenames used in template and epp functions end ...

366,825 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-duplicate_class_parameters-check 1.0.5

A puppet-lint extension that ensures class parameter names are unique.

350,556 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-package_ensure-check 0.2.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check the ensure attribute on package resources.

327,785 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-appends-check 2.0.0

A puppet-lint plugin to check that the appends operator (+=) is not used (removed in Pu...

311,878 ダウンロード数

puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.1 0.5.3

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

294,413 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-world_writable_files-check 0.0.2

A puppet-lint extension that ensures file resources do not have a mode that makes t...

257,592 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-no_file_path_attribute-check 0.1.1

Extends puppet-lint to ensure file resources do not have a path attribute.

241,931 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-roles_and_profiles-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check that: - a node definition declares only a role, -...

239,254 ダウンロード数

onceover-codequality 0.12.0

Lint and syntax validation for onceover

209,015 ダウンロード数

puppet-ghostbuster 1.2.1

Try and find dead code in Puppet receipts

202,545 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-no_erb_template-check 1.0.0

Extends puppet-lint to ensure there are no calls to the template or inline_template...

161,731 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-concatenated_template_files-check 0.1.1

Extends puppet-lint to ensure all template functions expand a single file, rather t...

156,248 ダウンロード数

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.4 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

151,649 ダウンロード数

puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.3 0.5.3

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

130,959 ダウンロード数

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.5 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

115,887 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-fileserver-check 1.2.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check if puppet:/// is used instead of file().

106,219 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-yumrepo_gpgcheck_enabled-check 0.0.2

A puppet-lint extension that ensures yumrepo resources have the gpgcheck attribute ...

100,719 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-uncuddled_else-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check that manifest files do not have uncuddled else blocks.

95,321 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-empty_lines_around_body-check 0.1.1

A puppet-lint plugin to check for empty lines around the body of blocks.

93,278 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-no_cron_resources-check 1.0.1

Extends puppet-lint to ensure no cron resources are contained in the catalog.

90,844 ダウンロード数

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.1 0.5.3

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

90,037 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-empty_trailing_lines 1.0.0

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifest files do not end with extra empty lines

80,883 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-i18n 1.0.0

Will check the decoration of your puppet code

77,975 ダウンロード数

puppet-module-win-dev-r2.3 0.5.3

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

76,357 ダウンロード数

puppet-lint-roles-profiles 0.0.2

This puppet-lint extension validates that: - node definitions only `include` a sing...

62,711 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 19,034,267

このバージョンのみ 332,855



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.7
