RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para wwtd La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren wwtd

logstash-logger 0.26.1

Ruby logger that writes directly to LogStash

19.855.458 Descargas

test_after_commit 1.2.2

makes after_commit callbacks testable in Rails 3+ with transactional_fixtures

16.377.845 Descargas

ar_after_transaction 0.10.0

Execute irreversible actions only when transactions are not rolled back

4.163.058 Descargas

flag_shih_tzu 0.3.23

Bit fields for ActiveRecord: This gem lets you use a single integer column in an Active...

2.583.001 Descargas

bitfields 0.14.0

Save migrations and columns by storing multiple booleans in a single integer

1.920.005 Descargas

after_transaction_commit 2.2.2

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.after_transaction_commit { ... }

1.088.546 Descargas

rspec-nc 0.3.0

926.051 Descargas

intuit-oauth 1.0.3

A Ruby wrapper Intuit's OAuth and OpenID implementation.

911.681 Descargas

cequel 3.2.1

Cequel is an ActiveRecord-like domain model layer for Cassandra that exposes the robust...

904.045 Descargas

ie_iframe_cookies 0.2.0

Rails: Enabled cookies inside IFrames for IE via p3p headers

558.684 Descargas

imperium 0.5.2

A powerful, easy to use, Consul client

461.260 Descargas

inst-jobs-statsd 4.0.1

Stats reporting for inst-jobs

428.509 Descargas

swagger_yard 1.1.1

SwaggerYard API doc gem that uses YARD to parse the docs for a REST rails API

387.856 Descargas

bogus 0.1.6

Decreases the need to write integration tests by ensuring that the things you stub or m...

227.225 Descargas

rake_tasks 5.1.1

RakeTasks provides basic rake tasks for generating documentation, building and installi...

206.691 Descargas

ar_mysql_flexmaster 1.0.3

ar_mysql_flexmaster allows configuring N mysql servers in database.yml and auto-selects...

186.138 Descargas

qti 2.22.6

QTI 1.2 and 2.1 import and export models

179.776 Descargas

cia 0.7.0

Audit model events like update/create/delete + attribute changes + group them by transa...

169.003 Descargas

blogit 1.1.2

Add a blog to your Rails application in minutes with this mountable Rails Engine

153.219 Descargas

json_web_token 0.3.5

Ruby implementation of the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard, RFC 7519

140.821 Descargas

canvas-jobs 0.11.0

Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job

140.688 Descargas

rack-insight 0.6.4

Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware. Based on logical...

123.895 Descargas

git_reflow 0.9.9

Git Reflow manages your git workflow.

123.287 Descargas

i18n-backend-http 0.3.4

Rails I18n Backend for Http APIs with etag-aware background polling and memory+[memcach...

114.912 Descargas

cmor 0.0.60.pre

(C)ontent (m)anagement (o)n (r)ails a.k.a Seymore - Let's you see more and makes your c...

109.820 Descargas

rao 0.0.52.pre

The missing bits.

101.099 Descargas

activerecord-tablefree 3.1.8

ActiveRecord Tablefree Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...

100.828 Descargas

ruby-bitly 0.2.1

A simple ruby client to shorten URLs, expand or get number of clicks on a bitlink.

97.341 Descargas

update_repo 0.11.3

A Simple Gem to keep multiple locally-cloned Git Repositories up to date

73.870 Descargas

paperclip-globalize3 4.2.0

locale-specific attachments with paperclip and globalize

69.953 Descargas

Total de descargas 556.075

Para esta versión 112.936



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
