RubyGems Navigation menu

timecop 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 timecop

gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.30.0

A collection of test-related tools.

9,315,452 下载

app_store_connect 0.38.0

A Ruby interface to the App Store Connect API

8,199,766 下载

logstash-input-elasticsearch 4.20.3

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

7,989,394 下载

logstash-input-http_poller 5.6.0

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

7,904,865 下载

protobuf-cucumber 3.10.8

Google Protocol Buffers serialization and RPC implementation for Ruby.

7,829,450 下载

hubspot-ruby 0.9.0

hubspot-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

7,697,651 下载

logstash-input-exec 3.6.0

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

7,378,812 下载

riemann-client 1.2.1

Client for the distributed event system Riemann.

7,242,949 下载

logstash-input-file 4.4.6

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

6,689,420 下载

progressbar 1.13.0

Ruby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The outpu...

6,514,738 下载

rate_throttle_client 0.1.2

6,395,609 下载

aws-ses 0.7.1

Client library for Amazon's Simple Email Service's REST API

6,300,979 下载

fluent-plugin-record-reformer 0.9.1

Fluentd plugin to add or replace fields of a event record

5,874,904 下载

html-proofer 5.0.9

Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate.

5,771,194 下载

gitlab-qa 14.11.0

Integration tests for GitLab

5,329,815 下载

resque_spec 0.18.1

RSpec matchers for Resque

5,203,041 下载

sorcery 0.17.0

Provides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and re...

5,165,203 下载

rpush 7.0.1

The push notification service for Ruby.

5,075,977 下载

closure_tree 7.4.0

Easily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord model support hierarchies

4,973,055 下载

next_rails 1.3.0

A set of handy tools to upgrade your Rails application and keep it up to date

4,483,350 下载

statesman 12.1.0

A statesman-like state machine library

4,458,869 下载

nexmo 7.2.1

Nexmo Client Library for Ruby

4,458,823 下载

azure 0.7.10

Microsoft Azure Client Library for Ruby

4,431,514 下载

azure-storage 0.15.0.preview

Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Ruby

4,391,432 下载

sidekiq-grouping 1.3.0

Allows identical sidekiq jobs to be processed with a single background call

4,370,451 下载

berater 0.15.1

work...within limits

4,328,997 下载

logstash-input-jdbc 4.3.19

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

4,319,539 下载

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4,309,148 下载

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4,309,148 下载

pg_party 1.7.0

Migrations and model helpers for creating and managing PostgreSQL 10 partitions

4,199,851 下载

下载总量 197,697,919

这个版本 191,091



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.2
